Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 8 - Catching a smile on a rough day

It's been quite a week. Not much time to just concentrate on my photography or especially this 52 week challenge.

Today I grabbed my wife's point & shoot and tried it at work. I had some idea of things to try and even shot a few of them, but I got this one on a whim. Isn't that where we get some of our best?

I caught his smile coming through on a really rough day at work. We were on our way to the pool at the Healthy Living Center to get in our afternoon workout.

Here's my runner-up for the week. I put the camera into macro mode and shot my little brain and stress dude. For the background, I moved my collection of pop tops into view. No idea why. I'm really just glad I did something this week. This is way tougher then I thought it would be!

The Cross

I was working on some other blog posting stuff tonight for a couple of my other blogs when I came across this photo.

I shot it at my wife's childhood church, happens to also be the church we were married in, but on this day, we were there for a baptism. Hi Greg! Hi Kris!

There was something about this whole frame that caught my eye. I was supposed to be shooting the family, but with all the flashes from the other cameras, my eye caught this lovely collection of lines, perspective and depth.

This is as shot. I took it into Photoshop thinking I might want to fix the color and lighting but as it turns out, I really just liked it as is. Heck, I didn't even crop it.

Tomorrow is Friday, I'm bringing the point and shoot to work and I'll hopefully find a shot for the 52 week challenge. We could only hope.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 7 - Plummer House

Crap. I was really hoping to keep this from becoming the 26 week challenge but alas, I missed week 6. This past Saturday, I really didn't want to miss another week so with the wife off at work, I bundled the kids up and we went to one of my favorite local spots: Plummer House.

This is the same spot where I took the wedding party pictures at the bottom of this search. This place is just amazing in the warmer months but I'd never been here in the winter.

This top picture, is my submission for the 52 week challenge. I felt this was my best composition. I love the line, the color and the textures.

This second photo is was my second choice. I have a really hard time picking between some of my photos. It's like choosing between my kids. How do you do it?

And choosing between my kids...well here they are. I couldn't resist just shooting some with the kids in the frame. They like to ham it up once and while although my oldest daughter is getting sick of being on the Internet. Shh...don't tell her :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week 5 - Lunar Apogee

The hardest part of these photo challenges is just doing them. If it was only a matter of shooting and posting everyweek, I would - forget it, I'd probably miss a few of those too.

Having now missed 2 weeks worth of a 52 week challenge, I submit to you week 5. I'm beginning to think that my biggest problem with doing these is worrying whether or not I'm posting my best possible picture.

This is a shot from the lunar apogee night a few nights ago. I had never tried shooting the moon before. Getting the exposure just right is tough thing to do. I doubt I get it right this time but what I did chose to do was include the cloudy sky for texture.

Anyone got a point and shoot they just love? In my research into these challenges, they always recommend just carrying a camera with you. I have a 1st Gen iPhone, I've used it but without autofocus it's a bit lacking. I'm thinking about getting a little camera just have with me at all times.